Car Transport

Car transport, also known as vehicle transport, car movers, auto movers, car shippers are transport logistics companies that transport cars from one location to another. Car transport refers to either businesses that need to move fleets of cars, or private individuals that only want to transport one or two cars.

Repaired Vehicle Car Transporters

Repaired vehicle car transporters Intercity Auto Movers in Howick. Intercity Auto Movers will transport your repaired or damaged car anywhere in Howick.

Car Rental Exchange Transporters

Car rental exchange transporters Intercity Auto Movers in Howick. Intercity Auto Movers car transporters will exchange or return your car rentals in Howick.

Car Transporters of Fleet Deliveries

Intercity Auto Movers are car transporters that deliver fleets of cars in Howick. Intercity Auto Movers collect and deliver fleets at any location in Howick.

Car Dealership Exchange Transporters

Intercity Auto Movers exchange cars between dealerships in Howick. Intercity Auto Movers will exchange your cars between dealerships anywhere in Howick.

Caravan Transporters

Intercity Auto Movers are caravan transporters in Howick. Intercity Auto Movers will transport your caravan to any location in Howick.

Repossessed Car Transporters

Intercity Auto Movers are repossessed car transporters in Howick. Intercity Auto Movers will transport repossessed to and from any location in Howick.

Bulk Car Transporters

Intercity Auto Movers are transporters of bulk car deliveries. Intercity Auto Movers will transport your bulk cars deliveries to any location in Howick

 Student Car Transporters

Intercity Auto Movers transport students’ cars in Howick. Intercity Auto Movers will transport students’ cars to any location in Howick.

Race Car Transporters

Intercity Auto Movers are race car transporters in Howick. Intercity Auto Movers transport racing cars to any location in Howick.

Vintage and Classic Car Transporters

Intercity Auto Movers are vintage and classic car transporters in Howick. Intercity Auto Movers deliver classic and vintage cars to any location in Howick.

Relocation Assistance Car Transporters

Intercity Auto Movers are car relocation assistance transporters in Howick. Intercity Auto Movers offer vehicle relocation assistance everywhere in Howick.

VIP Handover Special Car Transport Service

Intercity Auto Movers offer a special car handover service for VIPs. Intercity Auto Movers handover cars to VIPs at any location in Howick.

Airport Own Car Transporter Service

Intercity Auto Movers owner car transporter service in Howick. Intercity Auto Movers transports your own car to your flight destination at any location in Howick.


Howick is situated in the eThekwini Municipality, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. In November 1850, a proclamation appeared in the Natal Government Gazette, offering 36 village allotments on the Umgeni Waterfall Drift for sale. This marked the beginning of the town. In choosing a name for the new town, Government officials decided to honour their Secretary of State for the Colonies in London. He was Earl Grey and had recently acquired the title of Lord Howick. The name derived from his ancestral home of Howick Hall in Northumberland, England. A small fact about Howick is that it is possibly the location of the first manned flight in the world. Evidence exists that a John Goodman Household flew a self-made glider in 1871 and again in 1875 on the outskirts of Howick. The actual distance flown and altitude achieved differs from source to source-some sources say the distance was 80 metres but what can be verified is that the distance flown was further, and the duration also longer, than either of the flights made by Lilienthal or the Wright brothers. Today there exists a memorial to Household’s achievement at Curry’s Post, also a small distance outside Howick. In December 1996 Nelson Mandela was awarded The Freedom of Howick. This followed his arrest some 34 years before, on 5 August 1962, on the main Durban-Johannesburg road. The previously small plaque commemorating the event has since been revamped into a fully operational Mandela Monument with a museum and large bust sculpture of Nelson Mandela, created by Marco Cianfanelli and is constructed of steel beams of between 6.5 and 9.5 metres in length. The postal code of Howick is 4339.

Directions to Intercity Auto Movers

Howick. Via N3. Fastest route. Get on N3. Take Tracy Watts Rd, Cobbleset Ln, Campbell Rd and East St to your destination in New Germany. Intercity Auto Movers, Gate 1B, New Germany Industrial Park 1 Blase Road New Germany, Pinetown, 3610.

Intercity Auto Movers

Durban Location

La Lucia

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