Auto Relocation Movers You should Avoid

Auto Relocation Movers You should Avoid

Auto relocation movers are around every corner nowadays.  Finding the right one isn’t as simple as you would think and consumers make some mistakes when moving their vehicles.  Here are a few auto relocation movers mistakes to be aware of:

Never give out your phone number for a quote

Any site that advertises a mass of quotes in just a few moments or 10 quotes you can compare is shady and you should avoid those. It may seem like a good deal but you will be hounded by several companies wanting to hook you. You will regret giving your number out when a flood of calls comes through every day – even after you have shipped your vehicle.

If the price is ridiculously cheap – it’s too good to be true

If it’s too good to be true, it probably is!  Some companies will offer a bait price that hooks you right away but will disappoint you in the end when they do not deliver.  You will be tricked into paying more while you wait endlessly to ship your vehicle – which will never happen. You get what you pay for and should always ask yourself why their rates are so cheap – how are they making money?

Guaranteed Pickup dates are false promises

If the auto mover is guaranteeing they will pick up your car at a certain date at no added cost – they are lying.  There may be times that they do pick up on the promised date, but there is no certainty when there is a shorter notice. If anyone offers you a guaranteed pickup and delivery date – they are not being honest with you.

Non-refundable deposits

When a company asks for a deposit they will not refund it, even if they aren’t able to ship your car. Always make sure all monies paid is refundable in the event your vehicle cannot be delivered.

Read their site reviews and testimonials

In this day and age, we are fortunate enough to have technology at our fingertips. By researching what reviews there are on the companies website, you can get a better view of who and what you will be dealing with. 

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