How do I complete the Booking Form?

The Vehicle Transit form (referred to as the booking form) consists of various sub-areas.

Each area must be completed. Below is a brief explanation of the form:

Requester details

Is the person/representative that is requesting us to transport the vehicle.

Invoice details

Is the Person/Company that is responsible to effect payment (the Payee).

Vehicle details

List details of the vehicle to be transported. It must include the Make, Model, License plate / VIN number, Year, Value, Condition.

For each sub-item on the form, you must provide the relevant information and mark others as it applies to your vehicle.

Forwarding details

Is the location where in-transit of the car would commence, and the address where your vehicle must be collected from by us or be delivered to by you. If you opted to sign the vehicle in at our local depot, state the city where the depot is – e.g., Durban depot.

If you choose a transport option from your address, record the correct and full physical address to collect your vehicle.

The contact person is you, or a person that you have appointed to represent you and is responsible for handing the keys and the vehicle over to us. A designated person must be over 18 and preferably be in possession of a valid driver’s license.

Target date

The anticipated date or nearest date that you wish to have your vehicle collected. Bear in mind the set calendar days that we collect from at the major centers.

We will align the date that you stated to our closest schedule date.

Delivery details

Is the location where the in-transit of the car is to be completed, and the address where your vehicle must be delivered to by us or be collected from by you.

If you opted to check the vehicle out from our local depot, state the city where the depot is – e.g., Cape Town depot.

If you choose a delivery option to your address, record the correct and full physical address to enable us to deliver your vehicle.

The contact person is you, or a person that you have appointed to represent you and is responsible for receiving the keys and the vehicle from us.

A designated person must be over 18 and be in possession of a valid driver’s license.

Target date

Is the anticipated date or nearest date that you wish to have your vehicle delivered. Bear in mind the set calendar days that we deliver to the major centers. We will align the date that you stated to our closest schedule date.

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