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We understand that your vehicle is one of your most valuable assets. Many people are not familiar with what vehicle transportation is. As Intercity Auto Movers (IAM), we have answered many questions over the years about the transport of vehicles and compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions (FAQ). This may serve as a guide to transporting your car.

For ease of clarification our FAQ are divided into sub-areas as it represents the phases of car transportation:

  • Vehicle Transport Information
  • Transport Quotes
  • Transport Bookings

Transport Bookings


Sign the form with your personal details and full signature acknowledging the Terms and conditions.

Return with the proof of payment to the Sales representative’s email address. They will then process and send a conformation email when your booking is completed.

How do I complete the Booking Form?

The Vehicle Transit form (referred to as the booking form) consists of various sub-areas.

Each area must be completed. Below is a brief explanation of the form:

Requester details

Is the person/representative that is requesting us to transport the vehicle.

Invoice details

Is the Person/Company that is responsible to effect payment (the Payee).

Vehicle details

List details of the vehicle to be transported. It must include the Make, Model, License plate / VIN number, Year, Value, Condition.

For each sub-item on the form, you must provide the relevant information and mark others as it applies to your vehicle.

Forwarding details

Is the location where in-transit of the car would commence, and the address where your vehicle must be collected from by us or be delivered to by you. If you opted to sign the vehicle in at our local depot, state the city where the depot is – e.g., Durban depot.

If you choose a transport option from your address, record the correct and full physical address to collect your vehicle.

The contact person is you, or a person that you have appointed to represent you and is responsible for handing the keys and the vehicle over to us. A designated person must be over 18 and preferably be in possession of a valid driver’s license.

Target date

The anticipated date or nearest date that you wish to have your vehicle collected. Bear in mind the set calendar days that we collect from at the major centers.

We will align the date that you stated to our closest schedule date.

Delivery details

Is the location where the in-transit of the car is to be completed, and the address where your vehicle must be delivered to by us or be collected from by you.

If you opted to check the vehicle out from our local depot, state the city where the depot is – e.g., Cape Town depot.

If you choose a delivery option to your address, record the correct and full physical address to enable us to deliver your vehicle.

The contact person is you, or a person that you have appointed to represent you and is responsible for receiving the keys and the vehicle from us.

A designated person must be over 18 and be in possession of a valid driver’s license.

Target date

Is the anticipated date or nearest date that you wish to have your vehicle delivered. Bear in mind the set calendar days that we deliver to the major centers. We will align the date that you stated to our closest schedule date.

What is the Booking Form?

The booking form is an elaboration on the quote. When a quote is requested on our website we receive baseline information on the vehicle, the city/town and area where the car must be dispatched from and the city/town and area that a vehicle must be delivered to. The main purpose of the booking form is to contractually agree the transportation of a car between us and the vehicle owner and or their authorised representative.

The second and equally important purpose of the Booking form is to elaborate on the service that we must deliver through a record of personal information to do the transportation.

The information on the completed booking form is applied to plan and execute the transportation process effectively.

Finally, the signed booking form is an agreement that you acknowledge our terms and conditions and insurance, and the work quoted for.

What documentation is needed to make a booking?

A Valid Quote, a Booking (Vehicle Transit) form duly completed and Payment proof.

Release Documentation (as applicable – pro forma for vehicles to be collected from Auctions)

How do I make a Booking?

  1. Start by choosing one the transport options on the quote that you prefer.
  2. Submit the duly completed Booking form with Proof of Payment to your Sales
    representative who quoted you.
  3. Use the quote number as payment reference.
  4. Upon receipt of payment, we will issue a formal VAT invoice.

Remember, transportation of your car will only be confirmed once we’ve received full
payment and your booking form.

Transport Quotes

How do I read the quote?

A service quote, also referred to as a sales quote, is a written agreement to provide work for an agreed-upon price. We present this information in writing because it is considered an official record of the agreement between us and our client.

Please read through the quote and our Terms and Conditions, which make part of the quote.

Ensure that the details quoted on is what you have asked us to quote for.

The first section

List details of the Person / Company that requested the quote. The quote has a unique number that must be used in all future communication.

The date of issue and validity period is stated.

The second section

List different rates and transport options. A description of the transport is numbered from 1 to 4 (as applicable). Our rates include VAT.

Clarifications of general terms that may be used in the quote are defined.

The third section

List the details of the car.

When do I pay?

We require payment upfront to complete and confirm your booking. No booking request can be processed, nor will vehicles be transported before they are fully paid.

The value of your payment is used by us to validate the service to be rendered as we quoted
for it.

A Tax invoice is submitted on receipt of payment.

What payment options do you have?

Electronic fund transfer (EFT) or Direct Cash deposit into our Bank Account.

What is the cheapest way to transport a car?

The cheapest transport option would typically be from depot-to-depot as no collection and delivery fees apply.

What is included in the car transport quote?

The Transport quote will typically include long-distance freight.

Collection fee

Delivery fee

GIT insurance (on vehicles that comply with our Goods-In-Transit T&Cs)

How much will it cost to transport a car?

Some of the factors that will affect your car transport rate include:

  • Route and location
  • Choice of transport
  • Vehicle Type
  • Vehicle Condition
  • Transport mode
  • Season (normal / peak)

Quotes are prepared based on the information that you submit to us.

Vehicle Transport Information

Can I book a return trip?

A return trip can be booked in advance, subject to the rates applicable at the time of that move.

How do I know the date and time of my pickup or delivery?

When we complete your booking, you will receive a dispatch notification on email that will include the scheduling details and your designated coordinator’s contact information.

Can I book if I’m not sure of the delivery address yet?

You can book a runner vehicle to our depot at any of our major centers (Johannesburg / Durban / Cape Town).

Additional payment for delivery to your local address can then be made for us to deliver the vehicle within a prescribed period.

Can you guarantee a collection or delivery date?

We plan to deliver within timeframes based upon experience and pre-set in-transit days between the major centers. Whilst every attempt will be made by the Company to fit the schedule, there are too many uncontrolled events that render such guarantee impractical – contending weather, road conditions, traffic, mechanical functionality, and on route issues can void any guarantee.

Delays are communicated with the client. We advise clients to always make provision for one- or two-days variance as a contingency in case there is a delay.

How long does it take to transport a car?

In transit is the period it takes to deliver a car from one location to another on business days and exclude Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.

In transit may differ per route and the particulars of your booking. Estimated days will be stated in your quote.

Between the major centers (Johannesburg / Durban / Cape Town) our loads are dispatched on specific weekdays.

Estimated arrival from the day a vehicle is dispatched, and delivered, can on average be between 2 – 4 business days.

How far in advance do I need to book?

Space on carriers is allocated on a first come system and a confirmed booking.

Bookings may be made in advance for in-transit to commence within the validity period of a quote.

Will my car be safe and covered by your insurance?

If your vehicle is less than 10 years old, and less than R750, 000 in value, and is currently comprehensively insured, our rates will normally include Goods-in-Transit cover. Our insurer requires that there be a direct contract between our Company and the 3rd party customer (vehicle owner).

Vehicles that are covered by our Goods-in-Transit are insured whilst the vehicle is in transit. In-transit commences from the time we have ownership of the vehicle and the keys until we hand the vehicle back to you or your authorized representative.

For further information on the extent, procedures as well as the terms and conditions that apply to 3rd party customers, please read our Insurance Cover for Private Customers that will be issued to you with the quote.

Must I be there when my car is collected and delivered?

Not necessarily. At the time of your booking, you can designate a trustworthy person to represent you to hand the vehicle over on pickup and a person authorized to receive your car on delivery. These contact persons must be at least 18 years old and preferably be in possession of a driver’s license. This contact will be representing you and is responsible for handling the vehicle and signing off on the vehicle inspection report / delivery sheet.

Can I put things in the car?

No personal items or goods may be left in vehicles whilst in transit.

No vehicle registration documents (eNatis / logbooks) may be left in vehicles whilst in transit.

We are not equipped to transport loose items (parts/engines/gearboxes/body panels).

For non-running vehicles, these can either be packed inside the vehicle at the customer’s own
risk or must be couriered separately. The driver’s seat and all controls must remain freely